Thursday, December 4, 2008

Oh Christmas tree

I typed a lot at home to put on here, saved it to my card, and now it won't copy onto the blog. You'll get the text that goes with this post tomorrow :)

Here's a picture of Sam's buck. It put a lot of meat in our freezer!

Here's one of Delight's future friends. This is my friend Wendie's baby girl, Gracelyn, born 11/20. Look at all that hair!

Another Delight friend. This is my friend Alex's baby girl Kendra, born 11/25

Here's daddy and Delight with our tree. It looks pretty good for a fake one!

Are we done with all the pictures yet?

4 month picture with bear

She's started solids now! Here she is enjoying some sweet potatoes.


The Bowlin's said...

o.k. so you probably think i stalk you when i comment on every post. i just cannot help myself. josh will be so bummed he's not there to shoot a big buck like that as well. congrats. also thanks for the pic of kendra i hadn't seen her yet. cannot wait to get home and give all these new babies a squeeze!!!! ta-ta

Nikki said...

Oh no Becca. I like your comments. It's nice to know people read the posts :) I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.