Thursday, September 25, 2008

They threw a shower for me and Delight at the vet clinic where I used to work yesterday. It was a lot of fun and we got a lot of cute girly clothes.

Delight slept on Dr. Sinnamon's chest while I opened presents. (good close up Jana)

The whole gang

This is a very special gift. They took clipped dog toenails and put them in a container we send fecal samples to the lab in. Then they wrapped it all up with vet wrap to make a beautiful rattle for Delight ;)

Sam thought I was a sicko for including that picture, so I took it off. I thought it was funny, but that's probably cause I'm a sicko :)

Don't I look so pretty in the gown that Aunt Debbie got me?

Hanging out in her Bumbo Seat. I'm not sure if she's quite ready for it.

Monday, September 22, 2008

First trip to the zoo

Delight and I went to the Fort Wayne zoo with my parent's, Hope and Sonel on Thursday. Delight did great. She sleeps better when we're on the move than she does at home. I think she liked the outdoors too. The weather was great and besides a major blow out when we first got there (I brought 2 changes of clothes for her thankfully), everything went smooth.
Sam got home on Friday. It's nice to have him home. I finally took Delight into Sam's work today and all the ladies there had fun passing her around.

Sam loves otters, so we had to get a picture with them. They're sleeping in the log.

There's a big python behind us, but it's hard to see. I'm pretty sure she's going to be a reptile lover ;)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My how I've grown

Here's a couple pictures of Delight with her bear at 6 weeks. I meant to take one at 4 weeks, but am just now remembering. She is getting so big! If you look back there's a picture I posted of her at 2 weeks with the bear. She was a skinny wrinkly little thing then. Now, just 4 weeks later, she's a chubby smiling little girl.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

First Bath!

Delight's cord finally fell off! So she got to have her first bath Monday. She seemed to love it and kicked the whole time. She took a bath in mamaws big tub tonight, but didn't seem to like it quite as much.
Sam is out of town this week. He's got a class that's at a base in Dayton. He just left today.
I'm not real excited about being by myself. Sometimes I can't wait for him to get home so I can take a break if it's been a bad day. Plus I just plain miss him. I'm sure my Mom is going to see way more of me than she'd like to this week.

First Bath

Bath at Mamaws. Look at those fat legs!

And fat arms!

I miss my Daddy!!

No, I'm not a boy. (doesn't she look so big!)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Such a Big Girl

Delight wore a pair of blue jeans yesterday for the first time. They made her look so big! I'm going to do the parent thing and say- she's growing up so fast! It really is true. I understand it now. She's figured out how to get her hands to her mouth and likes to suck on them now. It's pretty cute. She's turning into a little chunk. She has rolls on her arms and legs. Mama feeds her good ;) You wouldn't believe it but her umbilical cord still hasn't fallen off! She's over 5 weeks old now! It's killing me because I want to give her a real bath so bad. We've faithfully put alcohol on it at every diaper change. It's just hanging on by a thread now (it's so gross), so I'm thinking I'll have some first bath pictures to post on here soon.
If you were wondering about Sam's dove hunt, as I'm sure a lot of you were, they didn't shoot any. It was crazy hot (95) and the doves weren't flying, so no pictures to post.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sleep....What's that?

Ahhh……Sleep. I remember that. I remember when I could sleep whenever I wanted for as long as I wanted. I remember when I could sleep longer than 2 hour intervals.
Ok, so maybe I’m being a bit dramatic, or maybe that’s just the sleep deprivation talking. Somehow I knew I couldn’t always have it so easy with just a 3 am and 7 am feeding. I think Delight was just being kind the first 2 weeks so I could recover. Her new routine is to be up every 2 hours. It’s tiring, but it would be a bit easier to deal with if she wasn’t having such a hard time napping during the day. I'm not sure if she's having gas pain or what. It's hard when you feel like you're playing a guessing game and you're not sure how to help her. I knew that lack of sleep would be hard, but you can't quite comprehend it until you live it. I think I'd rather have a full nights sleep than say go on a free cruise to Hawaii ;)
So while I'm sitting here not quite able to recall the last time I've showered and wondering if she'll stay asleep long enough for me to shower (and wondering why the heck I got on here to blog when I could have been showering), all I have to do is go in and look at my sleeping beauty and she melts my heart and I know it's all worth it. (Plus I know that someday when I'm old and mean that I can pay her back when she has to take care of me ;)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

We had a nice holiday weekend. Friday (Delight's 4 week birthday ;), Sam and I went out to dinner and Sam's sister Shelley watch Delight for us. I pumped a couple times, but it wasn't quite enough and we had to come home a little early to feed her. We had a nice time. I had a hard time leaving her though and I was surprised that I felt so bad since it was only for a couple hours. It just felt so strange to not have her with me since we hadn't been apart for the whole month.
We took Delight on her first bike ride. There's a nice bike trail close to our house. We borrowed a bike cart from Shelley and took a ride Sunday and Monday. Delight slept most of the time. Her car seat fit perfect inside. It was really nice to get out and get some exercises.
Saturday we went to an auction. Delight kept bidding on stuff, so I had to take her home. ;)
Sam's out hunting dove right now. He got drawn for the hunt and took a friend from work. Summer went with him too. He's hoping she will retrieve the birds for him, but I wouldn't keep my fingers crossed. She gets so excited she has trouble focusing. I'll post some pictures if they shoot a few.

She likes looking in the mirror on her play mat.

Her first trip to the hot dog stand. She couldn't wait, so she had her meal with us :)

Holding her head up like a big girl.